Experienced Greensboro Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Advocate for the Injured

North Carolina law firm pursues compensation for riders hurt in crashes

The annual crash facts report from the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles leaves no doubt that motorcyclists face serious dangers on the state’s roads and highways. In one recent year, 183 motorcyclists died and 2,847 were seriously injured in crashes. In addition to the severe physical and emotional toll of these accidents, the financial impact from medical bills, lost wages and other factors can devastate families. With extensive experience handling personal injury and workers’ compensation matters, Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A. pursues payment for victims of motorcycle accidents caused by others’ negligence. Our law firm represents clients in Greensboro and surrounding areas.

Common causes of motorcycle accidents

Motorcycle accidents happen in a wide variety of ways. Some of the most common causes include:

  • Speeding, tailgating and other aggressive driving
  • Drivers who change lanes or make left turns without looking carefully
  • Distracted driving, including texting and talking on cell phones
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Hazardous road conditions
  • Bad weather

Many of these dangers are more hazardous for bikers than for people in cars or trucks. A distracted driver might miss a motorcycle out of the corner of their eye and a bike is at greater risk when a road is damaged. No matter the cause of your motorcycle accident, our personal injury attorneys will carefully review all the evidence to determine liability and hold the at-fault party accountable.

Knowledgeable attorneys skillfully litigate motorcycle collision cases

If there is a dispute over which party was responsible for your crash, we use our experience and resources to prove your liability case. Our attorneys employ the services of investigators, accident reconstruction specialists and other experts to collect and analyze important evidence from the scene. We examine exactly how accidents happen and identify which individuals or institutions might be liable, whether it’s another driver or a different party, such as a product manufacturer or public agency charged with road maintenance. Our firm works diligently to answer the following types of questions when we seek to determine fault:

  • Did the actions of a third driver force the motorcycle into the path of a car?
  • Was there a defect in the motorcycle’s design or a part failure that contributed to the crash?
  • Did a driver turn left, pull out, switch lanes or otherwise fail to yield the right of way?

When we litigate your motorcycle accident claim, we won’t back down in our effort to discover the facts necessary to establish fault. If the facts show that more than one party contributed to your accident, we will pursue claims against all parties involved.

Law firm protects victims’ rights in Greensboro motorcycle accidents

North Carolina requires all motorcycle operators and passengers to wear helmets. If you don’t wear a helmet and are injured in a crash, the at-fault party’s insurance company might try to shift some of the blame for your injuries to you. If they are successful, you could lose out on compensation. We have in-depth understanding of the state’s contributory negligence laws related to helmet use and will stand up for your rights against aggressive insurers.

Contact a reputable North Carolina law firm when you’ve been in a motorcycle crash

Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A. in Greensboro assists residents of North Carolina who have been injured in motorcycle accidents. To schedule a free consultation, call our firm at 336-609-7593 or contact us online.