Greensboro Truck Accident Lawyers Pursue Compensation for Clients

Respected North Carolina attorneys represent people involved in truck accidents

Large trucks that travel on I-85, I-40 or one of the other interstates or highways in North Carolina carry much more cargo than passenger vehicles and are heavier and usually harder to maneuver. A collision involving one of these big rigs could have a devastating impact, especially on the individuals directly involved. Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A. in Greensboro represents clients who have endured serious injuries or the death of a loved one following a truck accident. Our experienced attorneys review the circumstances surrounding truck crashes in detail to determine what circumstances contributed to the accident. From there, we take seriously the pursuit of justice for our clients.

Firm assists victims of injuries from trucking accidents in Greensboro, NC

In the High Point and Greensboro areas, as well as other North Carolina locations, we can advise you on the key issues associated with truck accidents, including:

  • Types of accidents — Whether you got hurt in an underride, a tractor-trailer jackknife, a rear-end collision, a sideswipe or some other type of collision, we’ll get to work to help demonstrate that the other driver was responsible for the crash.
  • Causes — Most tractor-trailers have electronic data recorders, so there is a simple way to determine what happened to the rig prior to the crash. We can seek this information so that you can learn what happened.
  • InjuriesAuto accidents can cause mild to severe injuries that require varying forms of treatment. The potential for serious harm increases sharply when a large truck is involved. A victim could suffer devastating damage to their head, neck, brain, back, spinal cord and soft tissue. These injuries can take years to decades to heal, so it’s important to consult with a lawyer who understands how to value a claim for long-term injuries properly.

Drawing on more than four decades of experience securing substantial settlements and verdicts for truck accident victims, our firm is prepared to seek maximum compensation for you. For victims that are also driving for work, we can also help maximize your recovery between workers' compensation benefits and your third party claim.

Can a trucking company be held liable for a truck driver’s negligence?

Like other businesses, trucking companies can often be held accountable for accidents involving their trucks and the negligent acts of their employees. Some accidents involving extreme behavior might also be traced to a failure to train or screen job applicants appropriately. It’s important to remember that many drivers operate as independent contractors and trucking business relationships can be complicated. When you consult with a knowledgeable lawyer, you’ll learn about whether a business that employs the commercial vehicle operator who caused your crash is liable for damages. 

Contact a North Carolina auto accident lawyer to arrange a free consultation

Hodgman, Rowlett & Jahnes, P.A. helps North Carolina truck accident victims secure compensation through insurance claims and legal proceedings. To discuss your situation with an experienced Greensboro attorney in a free consultation, please call 336-609-7593 or contact us online. Our office is in Greensboro. Se habla español.